Other resources

Freedom Scientific

William Hopton, Sales Director
11800 31st Court North
St. Petersburg, FL 33716
Tel: 1-800-444-4443 ext 3909
Fax: 727-803-8001
Email: whopton@freedomscientific.com

Magnifying America

John Palmer, President
Tel: 1-800-364-1610
Email: jpalmer@magnifyingcenter.com
website: www.magnifyingAmerica.com

Florida center for the blind:

1411 NE 22nd Ave · (352) 873-4700


Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

https://dbs.fldoe.org › Rehab-Center

Florida Division of Blind Services Main Page

https://dbs.fldoe.org › Rehab-Center

National Braille Press

Also, the National Braille Press offers an introductory book on getting started with Windows 11. In addition to being available in hardcopy Braille it’s also available in several downloadable formats, including as a Word file.


KCathyanne Murtha


